Revolutionize Your Taxi Business with Taxi Booking Software!

Effortlessly manage bookings, drivers and customers with our All-in-One Taxi Booking Software and Applications

Get Started Today


Welcome to TBMS Live, which will transform your business permanently. The system integrates smoothly with your existing systems to ensure simpler operations and improved customer satisfaction. Whether your business is small or big, fleet or operation, we adapt to your needs and can help you manage cabs intuitively and efficiently

Are You Need Help with Outdated Taxi Booking Software?

  • Are you tired of tediously slow booking procedures?
    Outdated booking systems lower your reaction time, create human booking mistakes, and disturb staff and customers.
  • Are you tired of jumping from tool to app?
    Running many facets of your business with all sorts of tools is overwhelming, as it opens itself to mistakes. You want one combined system that keeps everything at your fingertips.
  • Are you tired of missing customers because of a need for real-time updates and presence information?
    They want transparency and real-time updates about their rides, and if you won't provide that, they'll look for other competitors.
  • Driver and fleet management got you down?
    Keeping tabs on your drivers and vehicles with pen, paper, spreadsheets, or systems that might be disconnected can be inefficient and increase operational costs.

Where today's consumers want transparency and real-time ride-status updates, your system may risk losing customers to competitors who solve that issue—having problems with driver and fleet management. Keeping track of your drivers and vehicles manually or using disconnected systems often causes inefficiencies and higher operational costs. H2 in-depth: Operating a taxi booking app business without modern technology drives a busy city without a GPS. You're bound to hit roadblocks. The manual way of handling bookings, dispatching, and customer service is not only laborious but also comes in the way of scaling up in a world that's going digital by the day. Your customer wants more. They want prompt service, pinpoint ETAs, and the ability to keep track of their rides in real time. Drivers need effective tools to manage routes and schedules. All this, neatly integrated into one solution from one vendor, means you don't have to chase features and other solutions downstream in the market.

Let These Problems Not Hinder Your Growth!

Customers are fickle; they demand services instantly now. All sorts of operational inefficiencies, bad customer experience, and loss of revenue are caused due to the use of these clunky and old systems. The requirement is for a solution that remains current with modern demands. Poor management systems will slow down operations and reduce your customer base, increase operational costs, and prevent a business from reaching its potential. Imagine missing out on a good client because they had to wait too long for the ride or losing a nice business account because your booking system needed to catch up with the demand. These are not just operational but financial and reputational issues as well.

Elaborative Understanding:

The taxi booking app business is a high-stakes game, with customers needing their service to be almost instantaneous. They require new and seamless service experiences and fast and dependable communication when booking a ride. If it can't meet such expectations, you are already at a loss regarding your competition. Inefficiencies at operations cost not just time but money as well, eating into your profit margins. Mismanagement of fleet and drivers could lead to unnecessary wear, inflated fuel costs, and higher turnover among drivers. It's more than catching up but outpacing and succeeding in a technology-driven marketplace.

Prepared to Engage the Power of Taxi Booking App

TBMS Live is your one-stop solution for all your taxi booking needs. It will put your service in a class of its own, beat your competition, and easily grow your business. It is crafted and developed based on the most modern taxi business designs. It uses state-of-the-art cutting-edge technologies to optimize every trip, interaction, and business decision for success

Key Features

Real-time Booking Management

Make the reservation process easy and speedy with an intuitive interface that processes bookings in real-time without waiting in a queue and without errors

Integrated Payment Processing

Allow your clients to pay in various convenient ways, correctly finalizing transactions directly in your marketplace

Driver and Fleet Tracking

Full monitoring of your fleet performance with live tracking and potent driver management features

Customer and Driver Apps

We are improving customer experiences and those of drivers by providing readily available, dedicated applications for booking, tracking, and communication.

Automated Reporting and Analytics

Drive data-based decision-making through reports and analytics in all parts of your operation. TBMS Live is not just Taxi Booking Software—it's an entire ecosystem engineered to enable taxi businesses. It's within its real-time management system for managing booking, which gears up quick and accurate ride scheduling so that the customers get the pleasant best—a built-in payment process that makes transactions easier for both customers and your team of accountants. Driver and fleet tracking provides 100% transparency into your operations, allowing you to monitor performance in real time and make necessary adjustments. Our customer and driver apps were designed to enhance the user experience, making booking, tracking, and communication convenient. Automated reports and analytics provide deep business insights to identify trends, optimize operations, and drive growth.

Why TBMS Live is the Right Choice for Your Taxi Business

  • Class-leading operational efficiency in conjunction with cost-cutting:
    Through an integrated platform, eliminate redundancies and operational bottlenecks, saving costs and driving efficiencies. Real-time ride tracking and updates for your users mean reliable service coming your way. Result?
  • It has increased customer satisfaction.
    Real-time ride tracking and updates are expected to be available at a modern convenience. This results in higher satisfaction and greater loyalty.
  • Easier driver management and making the best advantage of your fleet
    Optimize fleet performance and incentivize drivers with efficient scheduling, tracking, and management tools.
  • Grow your business with actionable advanced analytics and insights:
    Drive your business trends forward using our powerful analytics to make informed decisions and recognize every opportunity for growth.

Taxi software is designed to provide real benefits straight to your bottom line. Improving operational efficiency eliminates wasted time and resources—time your team could spend on truly serving customers. In this way, same-day updates and service you can count on raise customer satisfaction, which raises customer retention rates, positively impacting word-of-mouth advertising. Driver management tools are made to bring customers high-level service at all times and keep their fleet moving, assuring maximal utilization with a minimum of downtown. With advanced analytics, you'll make data-driven decisions that drive your business into the future, reach new opportunities, and continue to push growth.

How Taxi Booking Software Works
Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Sign Up and Set Up Your Account:

Sign up to kick-start your taxi software journey. Your steps after signing up will level your platform according to your business specifications and configurations

2. Customize the System According to Your Needs:

Set up your booking parameters, payment options, fleets, and anything else you may need to hit the ground running.

3. Launch and Start Managing Bookings Effortlessly:

With your account fully set, launch the platform to start managing bookings, dispatching drivers, and processing payments—all from a single unified interface.

4. Monitor and Optimize with Real-Time Analytics:

Track the real-time performance of your business with our comprehensive analytics dashboard, which helps you monitor areas for further improvement in specific ways of optimization for efficient and profitable operations.

Transitioning to TBMS Live is easy and designed not to disrupt your business. Sign up easily and be on the right with an easy setup process. You can customize the platform to meet your operational needs alone and be ready to meet the specific challenges in the business. With setup taxi software, you can control every other operation feature from a single, intuitive interface. Our real-time analytics provide insight to monitor and further improve your business performance to keep pace with the competition in this highly dynamic taxi industry

Pricing Plans: Flexibility in Every Plan


It offers all the core functionality that a small business needs, just starting on its way to digital management. It is ideal for operations that are looking for the core system without the headache given by larger functionalities.


Enterprise-level advanced tools for growing businesses that need more control and advanced features to enhance service capacity and expansion in compliance with the ever-increasing demand. Enterprise Advanced tools for full-size fleets and business needs that require a high level of customization, integration capabilities and premium support.


A full-featured solution that satisfies the need for a large fleet with deep customization, extensive integration capabilities, and superior support.

Pricing plans are tailor-made for the exact size of your business. The Basic plan offers core features created to fit small businesses just starting their digital journey. Pro is ideal for small—to medium-sized growing businesses that require advanced features and maximum control to handle more demand. The Enterprise plan tops the solution for larger businesses with full customization options, seamless integration capabilities, and premium support for uninterrupted, smooth operations. Whether big or small, TBMS Live has a plan suited to your needs and budget.

Ready to Transform Your Taxi Business?

Experience the power of TBMS Live because thousands of satisfied customers have. Take a free trial today. See it for yourself—from slimming your operations to perfect customer services to growing your business, TBMS Live uncovers your potential. Step into the future and take the first step toward transforming your taxi business today.

Start Your Free Trial

If you decide on TBMS Live, you're not choosing new Taxi Booking Software; instead, you're selecting a solution that will change your entire business. Our platform has been developed specifically to give you all the tools and insights you need to be successful in today's competitive market. Start your free trial today to learn how TBMS Live will help you deliver first-class service, improve operating efficiency, and increase sustainable growth.


It's very easy and seamless. Our experienced team will support you in onboarding from A to Z. We help you import all existing data and make all the necessary settings on our side so there won't be an issue with your transition.

Absolutely. Our TAXI DISPATCH SOFTWARE allows you to schedule rides in advance. You Absolutely. TBMS Live was designed from the start to integrate with the majority of existing systems. Further, the platform supports various types of integration, making it simple to connect with your system and workflow toda

At your service is our 24/7 customer support centre, with vast resources on how to get the most out of TBMS Live. Our support team can help you anytime with any query or problem; its members have broad knowledge that can accommodate getting the best results from this platform.

For sure! TBMS Live is a platform so customizable that it lets you tailor the system to your unique business requirements. From booking settings to payment options and fleet management, users share control of how the working platform goes.

The security of your data is critical to us. TBMS Live always uses the highest level of encryption and security protocols to protect your data. Be assured that sensitive information will be saved with us.

We realize that the transition to a new system can cause intimidation. Therefore, TBMS Live has been created using the friendliest and most supportive environment approach. A smooth integration ensures you can keep working with the tools you might already be familiar with while enjoying the benefits of our more advanced features. With 24/7 customer support, rest assured that in the event of a need, help will always be provided, and the rich resources provided will aid you in leveraging this platform's capabilities. Your information is safeguarded by industry-leading measures for maintaining trust in data security

Have More Questions? Get in Touch!

We are right here to help! Be it a query regarding our platform, assistance with getting set up, or you decide it's time to reap the business rewards, our support specialists are always ready. Email, call, or live chat—reach out, and we shall gladly offer both information and assistance you may need. We commit to your success to help you become one of those businesses that have successfully transformed their taxi business using TBMS Live. With TBMS Live, take the wheel and drive your taxi business to new heights. Get started today and see the difference it can make!

About Us

Here at TBMS Live, we believe in revolutionizing this industry with Taxi Booking Software. Built on the vision of creating a seamless, efficient way to get from A to B, we provide full tools to empower taxi businesses that will flourish when considering the current cutthroat market. Now, combined with like-minded industry experts and top-shelf, innovative technology, our platform meets meet-meets but also exceeds clients' expectations.

We are Unique

What distinguishes TBMS Live is innovation and commitment to customer satisfaction. We do not just extend Taxi Booking Software; we offer an all-inclusive service to support you at every step. Our fully customizable platform grows with your business, and a dedicated support team is always available. With TBMS Live, you plug into a system and are a partner in your journey to success.